
Will be outlined in more detail. For now, see the README file.


Ascii-phonons relies on the script files scripts/ascii-phonons and scripts/ascii-phonons-gui finding core functionality in the module init file ascii_phonons/ In previous versions of ascii-phonons, this required the top-level folder (i.e. the folder produced by git clone or by unzipping a downloaded file) to be included in the user’s PYTHONPATH. In the most recent versions, this is not necessary; as long as the folder structure is left intact, the scripts should be able to find what they need.


A recent version of Blender is required; development is currently based on Blender 2.76 and later. At least version 2.70 is needed, which provides the wireframe modifier used to draw the bounding box.


Note that the versions of Blender available in package managers such as apt-get are often quite dated. Installing the latest version for Linux is easy, however; just download the .tar.gz file, untar it and add the directory to your PATH.:

mv /some/blender/download.tar.bz2 /some/directory && cd /some/directory
tar -xf /my-blender-download.tar.bz2
echo "export PATH="${PWD}/my-blender-folder:${PATH}" >> ${HOME}/.bashrc
source ${HOME}/.bashrc

Documentation dependencies

  • Sphinx
  • Mock